Automotive Technology
Degrees and Certificates
Automotive Technology, Associate of Applied Science -
Automotive Technology, Certificate -
Automotive Technology Professional, Certificate -
Power Sports, Certificate
AUTO1011M: Maintenance and Light Repair
AUTO1011M is a comprehensive face-to-face course covering all aspects of general vehicle maintenance and light repair of the latest automobiles and light trucks. Topics include safety, customer service relations, repair documentation, service-department operations, safety inspection, pre-delivery inspection, in-depth preventative maintenance and inspection and common general repairs. Using the various skills and knowledge learned, students will perform the same basic tasks on today’s automobiles as an express lane maintenance technician would in a dealership. AUTO1011M is a fall semester course and is a co-requisite to AUTO1012M. Tools identified on the student tool list are required for this course. A minimum grade of C- is required to continue on to the spring semester. Prerequisites: Acceptance into the Automotive Technology degree or certificate program.
AUTO1012M: Electrical Systems
AUTO1012M is a comprehensive face-to-face course covering all aspects of the theory and diagnosis of basic electrical systems of the latest automobiles and light trucks. Topics include: electrical safety, basic electricity theory and electrical systems, circuit diagrams, magnetism, induction, battery technology, semiconductors, automotive electrical systems, electric circuit repair techniques, digital multi meter and other diagnostic equipment, and diagnostic techniques. Using the various skills and knowledge learned, students will perform basic electrical system inspection, diagnosis and repairs on today’s automobiles. AUTO1012M is a fall semester course. Tools identified on the student tool list are required for this course. A minimum grade of C- is required to continue on in the program. Prerequisites: Acceptance into the Automotive Technology degree or certificate program. Placement into MATH111M or MATH111XM and ENGL110XM or ENGL110M. Corequisites: AUTO1011M
AUTO1013M: Automotive Co-op Work Experience I
The Automotive co-op work experience provides an opportunity for practical experience at an approved site. It is a required component of the degree program and students are required to work a minimum of 320 hours. Periodic supervisor evaluations based on performance and other criteria related to successful employment will be completed and reviewed by the co-op coordinator and site supervisor, and will be the basis for the final grade. AUTO1031M is a fall semester course. Tools identified on the student tool list are required at the co-op site. A minimum grade of C is required to continue on to AUTO1021M, AUTO1022M, and AUTO1023M. Prerequisites: none, Corequisites: AUTO1011M and AUTO1012M.
AUTO1021M: Steering and Suspension Systems
AUTO1021M is an in-depth study of steering and suspension systems, alignment geometry, and procedures including the service and diagnosis of these systems. This course also includes the latest cutting-edge electronic controlled systems. Using the skills and knowledge learned, students will perform the same procedures, and diagnose system concerns on today’s automobiles and light trucks just as a technician would in an automotive service department. AUTO1021M is a spring semester course. Tools identified on the student tool list are required for this course. Note that for the AEP, MCAP, MLR, and SU pathways, on-line training is required to receive credit for this course. A minimum grade of C is required to continue on to AUTO1031M, AUTO1032M, and AUTO1033M.
AUTO1022M: Electronic Controls
An in-depth study of electronic control systems, vehicle communication networks, electronic sensors, output-devices, and operation including diagnosis and repair. Using the skills and knowledge learned, students will perform the same procedures, and diagnose electronic control system concerns on today’s automobiles and light trucks just as a technician would in an automotive service department. AUTO1022M is a spring semester course. Tools identified on the student tool list are required for this course. Note that for the AEP, MCAP, MLR, and SU pathways, on-line training is required to receive credit for this course. A minimum grade of C is required to continue on to AUTO1031M, AUTO1032M, and AUTO1033M. Prerequisites: Successful completion of Auto 1011M and Auto 1012M with a minimum grade of C.
AUTO1023M: Automotive Co-op Work Experience II
The Automotive co-op work experience provides an opportunity for practical experience at an approved site. It is a required component of the degree program and students are required to work a minim0um of 320 hours. Periodic supervisor evaluations based on performance and other criteria related to successful employment will be completed and reviewed by the co-op coordinator and site supervisor, and will be the basis for the final grade. AUTO1023M is a spring semester course. Tools identified on the student tool list are required at the co-op site. A minimum grade of C is required to continue on to AUTO1031M, AUTO1032M, and AUTO1033M. Prerequisites: Successful completion of AUTO1011M and AUTO1012M with a minimum grade of C.
AUTO1031M: IC Engine and Systems
A comprehensive course including theory, repair and overhaul procedures with an emphasis on diagnosis of internal-combustion engines. This course provides an opportunity to gain the knowledge and skills necessary to diagnose and service today’s complex engines and systems. This course includes principles of four-stroke cycle operation, engine related systems, performance diagnosis, service, engine noise diagnosis, and the fundamentals of diesel engine operation. Using the skills and knowledge learned, students will perform the same procedures, and diagnose engine and system concerns on today’s automobiles and light trucks just as a technician would in an automotive service department. AUTO1031M is a fall semester course. Tools identified on the student tool list are required for this course. Note that for the AEP, MCAP, MLR, and SU pathways, on-line training may be required to receive credit for this course. A minimum grade of C is required to continue on to AUTO2011M, AUTO2012M, and AUTO2013M. Successful completion of AUTO1011M with a minimum grade of C is required to register for this course. Prerequisites: Successful completion of AUTO1011M with a minimum grade of C.
AUTO1032M: Brake Systems
A comprehensive course including theory, repair and service procedures with an emphasis on diagnosis of cutting-edge braking systems. This course includes principles of hydraulics, service brakes, electronic braking systems and controls. This course provides an opportunity to gain the knowledge and skills necessary to diagnose and service today’s complex brake systems. Using the skills and knowledge learned, students will perform the same procedures, and diagnose brake and related system concerns on today’s automobiles and light trucks just as a technician would in an automotive service department. AUTO1032M is a summer semester course. Tools identified on the student tool list are required for this course. Note that for the AEP, MCAP, MLR, and SU pathways, on-line training may be required to receive credit for this course. Successful completion of AUTO1011M, AUTO1012M, and AUTO1022M with a minimum grade of C is required to register for this course. Prerequisites: Successful completion of AUTO1011M, AUTO1012M, and AUTO1022M with a minimum grade of C.
AUTO1033M: Automotive Co-op Work Experience III
The Automotive co-op work experience provides an opportunity for practical experience at an approved site. It is a required component of the degree program and students are required to work a minimum of 240 hours. Periodic supervisor evaluations based on performance and other criteria related to successful employment will be completed and reviewed by the co-op coordinator and site supervisor, and will be the basis for the final grade. AUTO1033M is a summer semester course. Tools identified on the student tool list are required at the co-op site. A minimum grade of C is required to continue on to AUTO2011M, AUTO2012M, and AUTO2013M. Prerequisites: Authorization from faculty.
AUTO2010M: Automotive Co-op Work Experience IV
The Automotive co-op work experience provides an opportunity for practical experience at an approved site. It is a required component of the degree program and students are required to work a minimum of 320 hours. Periodic supervisor evaluations based on performance and other criteria related to successful employment will be completed and reviewed by the co-op coordinator and site supervisor, and will be the basis for the final grade. AUTO2010M is a fall semester course. Tools identified on the student tool list are required at the co-op site. Successful completion of AUTO2011M, AUTO2012M and AUTO2013M with a minimum grade of C is required to register for this course. Prerequisites: Authorization from faculty.
AUTO2011M: Manual Transmissions and Drivetrains
A comprehensive course including theory, repair and service procedures with an emphasis on diagnosis of manual transmissions and drivetrains. This course includes the theory of operation, service and repair, diagnosis and controls. This course provides an opportunity to gain the knowledge and skills necessary to diagnosis and service today’s complex transmissions. Using the skills and knowledge learned, students will perform the same procedures, and diagnose transmission, drivetrain and related system concerns on today’s automobiles and light trucks just as a technician would in an automotive service department. AUTO2011M is a fall semester course. Tools identified on the student tool list are required for this course. Note that for the AEP, MCAP, MLR, and SU pathways, on-line training may be required to receive credit for this course. Successful completion of AUTO1011M with a minimum grade of C is required to register for this course. Prerequisites: Successful completion of AUTO1011M with a minimum grade of C.
AUTO2012M: Powertrain Management Systems
A comprehensive course including theory, repair and service procedures with an emphasis on diagnosis of modern powertrain management systems. This course includes computers, fuel systems and service, exhaust gas analysis, emission control systems and service. This course provides an opportunity to gain the knowledge and skills necessary to diagnose and service today’s complex powertrain systems. Using the skills and knowledge learned, students will perform the same procedures, and diagnose powertrain and related system concerns on today’s automobiles and light trucks just as a technician would in an automotive service department. AUTO2012M is a fall semester course. Tools identified on the student tool list are required for this course. Note that for the AEP, MCAP, MLR, and SU pathways, on-line training may be required to receive credit for this course. Successful completion of AUTO1012M, AUTO1022M, and AUTO1031M with a minimum grade of C is required to register for this course. Prerequisites: Successful completion of AUTO1012M, AUTO1022M, and AUTO1031M with a minimum grade of C.
AUTO2013M: Climate Control Systems
A comprehensive course including theory, repair and service procedures with an emphasis on diagnosis of advanced climate control systems. This course includes operating principles of refrigerant systems, air management, electronic controls, micro climates and EPA federal regulations. This course provides an opportunity to gain the knowledge and skills necessary to diagnose and service today’s complex climate control systems. Using the skills and knowledge learned, students will perform the same procedures, and diagnose climate control and related system concerns on today’s automobiles and light trucks just as a technician would in an automotive service department. EPA certification is also a requirement to complete this course. Auto2013M is a fall semester course. Tools identified on the student tool list are required for this course. Note that for the AEP, MCAP, MLR, and SU pathways, on-line training may be required to receive credit for this course. Successful completion of AUTO1011M, AUTO1012M, and AUTO1022M with a minimum grade of C is required to register for this course. Prerequisites: Successful completion of AUTO1011M, AUTO1012M, and AUTO1022M with a minimum grade of C.
AUTO2021M: Automotive Co-op Work Experience V
The Automotive co-op work experience provides an opportunity for practical experience at an approved site. It is a required component of the degree program and students are required to work a minimum of 320 hours. Periodic supervisor evaluations based on performance and other criteria related to successful employment will be completed and reviewed by the co-op coordinator and site supervisor, and will be the basis for the final grade. AUTO2021M is a spring semester course. Tools identified on the student tool list are required at the co-op site. Successful completion of AUTO2011M, AUTO2012M and AUTO2013M with a minimum grade of C is required to register for this course. Prerequisites: Authorization from faculty.
AUTO2022M: Automatic Transmission and Transaxles
A comprehensive course including theory, service and overhaul procedures with an emphasis on diagnosis of automatic transmission, transaxles and electronic controls. This course includes operating principles of hydraulics, mechanical, and electronic controls. This course provides an opportunity to gain the knowledge and skills necessary to diagnosis and service today’s complex transmissions and control systems. Using the skills and knowledge learned, students will perform the same procedures, and diagnose automatic transmission and related system concerns on today’s automobiles and light trucks just as a technician would in an automotive service department. AUTO2022M is a spring semester course. Tools identified on the student tool list are required for this course. Note that for the AEP, MCAP, MLR, and SU pathways, on-line training may be required to receive credit for this course. Prerequisites: Successful completion of AUTO1011M, AUTO1012M, and AUTO1022M with a minimum grade of C.
AUTO2023M: Vehicle Performance Diagnosis
AUTO2023M is a comprehensive course including theory, repair and service procedures with an emphasis on diagnosis of modern powertrain management systems. AUTO2023M is a course focused on diagnosis and resolving problems with today’s advanced vehicles and systems. This course includes diagnosis techniques, the diagnostic process, and finding the root cause of customer concerns. This course includes computers, fuel systems and service, exhaust gas analysis, emission control systems and service. This course also provides an opportunity to gain the knowledge and skills necessary to diagnosis and correct problems with today's complex vehicles. Using the skills and knowledge learned, students will perform the same procedures, and diagnose concerns on today’s automobiles and light trucks just as a technician would in an automotive service department. AUTO2023M is a spring semester course. Tools identified on the student tool list are required for this course. Note that for the AEP, MCAP, MLR, and SU pathways, on-line training may be required to receive credit for this course.