
BIOL099M: Foundations in Biology

Theory Hours 2 Lab Hours 2 Credits 3

This course will cover the main points of high school-level biology. It is meant to strengthen students’ background in biology and to prepare students for college-level life science courses. The course will give an overview of cell biology, the biology of organisms and the biology of populations. A lab component will strengthen the theory information. These credits are institutional and are not applied toward graduation.

BIOL101M: General Concepts in Biology

Theory Hours 3 Lab Hours 3 Credits 4

This is a one semester college level biology course that deals with important concepts surrounding biology. It will cover some basic chemistry, the cell structures and their functions, cell division, cellular respiration, photosynthesis, DNA and RNA, and some basic genetics. This study is based on the ongoing evolution of species. Prerequisites: High School Biology or equivalent with a C or better and placement into ENGL 110M. (Fulfills lab science elective.)

BIOL103M: Fundamentals of Health and Wellness

Theory Hours 3 Lab Hours 0 Credits 3

This course will familiarize students with the importance of various elements relevant to their personal health.  Topics will provide insight on aspects related to overall health and wellness including physical activity, nutrition, and stress management.  Additionally, throughout the course, students will analyze many dimensions of personal health and discover how they relate to their career choice and have an effect on their job performance.  Finally, students will be given the tools, knowledge and hands-on experience required to feel confident in leading a healthy and active lifestyle.

BIOL106M: Essentials of Human Anatomy and Physiology

Theory Hours 3 Lab Hours 0 Credits 3

This one-semester course introduces the structure and function of the human body. It includes the anatomy and physiology of each of the organ systems of the human body and practical discussions of disease and health. Prerequisite: placement into ENGL110M. (Fulfills lab science elective when taken with BIOL107M). Offered every semester.

BIOL107M: Essentials of Human Anatomy and Physiology Lab

Lab Hours 3 Credits 1

A series of laboratory experiences designed to enhance and reinforce the concepts studied in Essentials of Human Anatomy and Physiology (BIOL106M). Prerequisites: Placement into ENGL110XM or ENGL110M or permission of the instructor (Fulfills lab science elective when taken with BIOL106M). Offered every semester.

BIOL108M: College Biology I

Theory Hours 3 Lab Hours 3 Credits 4

An in-depth college-level course designed for students who intend to continue studying life science as their major area of study. Covers the chemistry of cells including cellular respiration, photosynthesis, DNA, RNA, protein synthesis and enzymes. Also includes the study of the cell, its components, mitosis and meiosis, Mendelian and molecular genetics. Prerequisites: High school biology and chemistry with a grade of “C” or better and placement into ENGL110M or permission of the instructor. (Fulfills Lab Science elective)

BIOL109M: College Biology II

Theory Hours 3 Lab Hours 3 Credits 4

This intense college-level biology class is the continuation of BIOL108M. Covers evolutionary biology, classification, organisms and populations and ecology and emphasizes science as a process, scientific inquiry and critical thinking. Prerequisites: High School Biology and Chemistry with a grade of “C” or better and BIOL108M with a grade of “C” or better and placement into ENGL110M, or permission of the instructor (Fulfills Lab Science elective)

BIOL110M: Human Anatomy and Physiology I

Theory Hours 3 Lab Hours 3 Credits 4

A comprehensive course in the anatomy and physiology of the human body that presents current in-depth information in basic molecular and cell biology as well as human cells, tissues and organ systems. This first of two courses includes molecular biology which covers DNA and RNA structure and the formation of proteins, as well as basic cellular respiration. It also covers the integumentary, skeletal, muscular, nervous and sensory systems. Laboratory work augments lectures and includes the study of fresh and preserved specimens, microscopy and human physiology. Prerequisites: Successful completion of high school-level biology and chemistry with a grade of “C” or better. (Fulfills Lab Science elective) Offered every semester.

BIOL120M: Human Anatomy and Physiology II

Theory Hours 3 Lab Hours 3 Credits 4

A continuation of BIOL110M, this course includes current, in-depth information of the structure and function of the endocrine, digestive, respiratory, blood, cardiovascular, lymphatic, urinary and reproductive systems. Lab work augments lectures and includes exercises in microscopy, the study of fresh and preserved specimens and physiological measurements of the human body. Prerequisite: BIOL110M with a grade of “C” or better, or permission of the instructor. (Fulfills Lab Science elective)

BIOL150M: Nutrition

Theory Hours 3 Lab Hours 0 Credits 3

A study of normal and medical nutritional therapy, including the digestion, absorption, transport and metabolism of the macro and micro nutrients throughout the life cycle. Covers nutritional assessment and care plan processes for various medical nutritional therapies, including cardiac, diabetes, stress disorders, various feeding routes and energy and weight management. (Fulfills lab science elective when taken with BIOL151M). Offered every semester

BIOL151M: Nutrition Lab

Lab Hours 3 Credits 1

A series of laboratory experiences designed to enhance and reinforce the concepts studied in the Nutrition course (BIOL150M). (Students must take, or have taken BIOL150M concurrently/previously. Fulfills lab science elective when taken with BIOL151M). Corequisite: BIOL150M.

BIOL201M: Principles of Genetics

Theory Hours 3 Lab Hours 3 Credits 4

This course covers fundamentals of classical, molecular, and population genetics. The cellular and molecular mechanisms of inheritance, gene expression and regulation, and influences on evolution are included. Laboratory exercises are designed to reinforce the theoretical concepts with a focus on techniques in molecular genetics. Prerequisite: Completion of BIOL108M or BIOL110M with a grade of “C” or better, and placement into ENGL110M and MATH145M, or permission of the instructor.

BIOL205M: General Ecology

Theory Hours 3 Lab Hours 3 Credits 4

Ecology is the scientific study of the interrelationships between organisms and their biotic and abiotic environment. Students will investigate the effects of physical and biological factors on the distribution, abundance, and adaption of living organisms. This course will emphasize scientific thinking and problem solving. Prerequisite: Completion of BIOL109M with a C or better, and placement into ENGL110M and MATH145M, or permission of the instructor.

BIOL210M: Microbiology: Principles and Practices

Theory Hours 3 Lab Hours 3 Credits 4

This course provides an introduction to the principles and practices of medical microbiology. Topics include: the nature and behavior of microorganisms; principles of growth and reproduction of micro organisms; identification of microorganisms using staining, pure culture, biochemical and antigenic techniques; and the epidemiology, clinical features, laboratory diagnosis and control measures for microbial diseases caused by viruses, bacteria, fungi, protozoa and helminthes. Prerequisite: BIOL108M or BIOL110M and ENGL110M with a grade of “C” or better. (Fulfills Lab Science elective) Offered every semester.

BIOL220M: Pathophysiology

Theory Hours 3 Lab Hours 0 Credits 3

Focuses on the clinical pathogenesis of human diseases as a consequence of abnormalities and alterations of normal physiologic function. Lectures will cover topics in general pathology as well as in-depth information in system pathology and will focus on the most common diseases, which are either frequently encountered or illustrate an important principle. Prerequisites: Successful completion (with a grade of “C” or better) of BIOL110M and BIOL120M or BIOL111M and BIOL121M and placement into ENGL110M or permission of the instructor. (Does not fulfill Lab Science elective)