ETEC122M: Electricity and Electronics

Theory Hours 3 Lab Hours 0 Credits 3

This course will provide in-depth coverage of the theory of electricity and electronics.  Subject matter will include the science of electricity and electronics, instruments and measurements, electrical circuit materials, energy, electrical sources and power supplies, series, parallel and combination circuits, magnetism, AC & DC generators and motors, inductive, capacitive and tuned circuits, semiconductors, transistors, amplifiers, integrated and digital circuits, oscillators, radio communications, electronic display systems, fiber optics and lasers, electronic networking, wireless technology, and microcontrollers.  This course is not intended for State of NH electrician’s apprenticeship training.  However, this course may be taken as a continuing education course for renewal of State of NH licensure.  This course is a theory course only with no lab component.  Prerequisites: Placement into MATH155 (or higher).  Corequisites:  ETEC110M or Permission of Program Coordinator or Department Chair.