Graphic Design

Degrees and Certificates


GDES110M : Page Layout and Design

Theory Hours 2 Lab Hours 3 Credits 3

Introduces the principles, skills and equipment used in the electronic publishing process. Students will produce pre-designed and original publications using Adobe InDesign®.

GDES114M : Graphic Design I

Theory Hours 2 Lab Hours 3 Credits 3

Provides an in-depth study of design creation relevant to the discipline of graphic design. Students will develop and expand their vocabularies in visual communication while exploring design principles and elements for solving communication problems. Assignments and discussions include creative problem solving, working to specifications, investigating alternative solutions, and the presentation of their own design pieces. Can be used as either an ARTS elective or Graphic Design course.

GDES115M : Digital Imaging

Theory Hours 2 Lab Hours 3 Credits 3

Students will produce pre-designed and original images using Adobe Photoshop®. The focus is on the principles, skills and equipment used in the electronic imaging process. Can be used as either an ARTS elective or Graphic Design course.

GDES122M : Color Theory for Graphic Design

Theory Hours 2 Lab Hours 3 Credits 3

Provides an in-depth study of the color theory as it relates to graphic design, with an emphasis on the psychological and compositional effects of color, color interactions, and color schemes. Assigned projects will explore how color can be used as an effective tool for strengthening visual communication in graphic design.

GDES124M : Typography

Theory Hours 2 Lab Hours 3 Credits 3

Introduces typefaces from an aesthetic and communicative perspective. The history and background of typography is explored, as well as modern typography, to provide an understanding of the language and form of typefaces and letterforms. Weekly assignments will involve solving design problems using type.

GDES150M : Digital Publishing Methods

Theory Hours 2 Lab Hours 3 Credits 3

Focuses on digital publishing terminology, methods, and theories to include multi-page layouts. Using industry-standard software, prepress, file preparation, workflow methods, and online publishing will be addressed. Pre-requisites/ GDES110M, GDES115M Must either have already completed, or concurrently registered for, GDES124M and GDES155M.

GDES155M : Computer Illustration

Theory Hours 2 Lab Hours 3 Credits 3

Focuses on the production of pre-designed and original computer illustrations using Adobe Illustrator®. Students will move from introductory vector drawing techniques to advanced, learn proper color management and file preparations to ensure that the illustration printed from the screen version is the desired result and usable in electronic design. Can be used as either an ARTS elective or Graphic Design course.

GDES205M : Visual Design

Theory Hours 2 Lab Hours 3 Credits 3

Through this course, students will have the opportunity to choose from a variety of design projects with the goals to educate, inform, persuade, and entertain the audience through visual communication design. Types of projects will include educational posters, infographics, avatar design, and children’s book illustrations. Student will also have the opportunity to propose their own visual communication project. Prerequisites: ARTS123M, GDES110M, GDES114M, GDES115M, GDES122M, GDES124M, GDES150M, GDES155M.

GDES210M : History of Graphic Design

Theory Hours 3 Lab Hours 0 Credits 3

Will focus on the many accomplishments of notable contributors to the development of graphic design throughout history. Major innovations and trends of visual communication will be explored through the centuries, into the present with an eye on the future. Readings, research, videos and projects, will lead students to know and appreciate notable designers and their importance to visual communication. From the birth of visual messages and early bookmaking to the printed word and multi-media/web design, the phases of visual communication history will connect the past to the present.

GDES213M : Graphic Design II

Theory Hours 2 Lab Hours 3 Credits 3

An introductory level process of researching, designing, executing, promoting and presenting for the advertising field is assessed in this course. Marketing trends, products and guidelines of the advertising and graphic arts fields are dissected and evaluated. Individual and group projects are assigned to mobilize the cognitive, creative and collaborative skills of the student. Students will put together electronic layouts that demonstrate a beginner skill in commercial design production. Prerequisites: GDES110M, GDES114M, GDES115M, GDES122M, GDES124M, GDES150M.

GDES225M : Graphic Design III

Theory Hours 2 Lab Hours 3 Credits 3

Focuses on the creative process involved in research, design, promotion and presentation of print advertisements, ad campaigns and package design. Students will complete research, creative briefs and comprehensive projects that demonstrate advanced skills in graphic design. Prerequisite: GDES213M.

GDES226M : Portfolio Preparation

Theory Hours 2 Lab Hours 3 Credits 3

Students will explore portfolio needs for higher education and industry entry-level positions. Time management skills will be stressed as students modify their existing design projects based on instructor critiques. Students will utilize these designs to develop a printed, matted, professional portfolio and self-promotional websites. Prerequisites: All freshman courses, GDES205M, and GDES213M. Corequisite GDES225M.

GDES228M : Graphic Design Experiential Learning

Theory Hours 2 Lab Hours 3 Credits 3

This course will provide opportunities for students to work with clients on actual graphic design projects, in a professional environment, through experiential activities and/or internships with professional organizations and businesses. The experiences are paired with in-class learning activities. The final grade for the course will take into account participation, evidence of learning, thoroughness and quality of assignments, and supervisory feedback. Prerequisites: GDES110M, GDES114M, GDES115M, GDES122M, GDES124M, GDES150M, GDES155M, GDES210M, GDES 205M, GDES213M, GDES229M.

GDES229M : Professional Practice for Graphic Design

Theory Hours 2 Lab Hours 3 Credits 3

This course is a practical study of professional practices for graphic designers. Emphasis is placed on preparation for internship and employment opportunities in the graphic design field. Students work on real-world projects to assess their strengths and weaknesses, create a personal brand, and interact with various working professionals. Topics also include self-promotion, contracts, and professional networking. Prerequisites: GDES110M, GDES114M, GDES115M, GDES122M, GDES124M, GDES150M, GDES155M.