Human Services

Degrees and Certificates


HSV111M : Introduction to Human Services

Theory Hours 3 Lab Hours 0 Credits 3

This course will provide an introduction to the historical information and concepts necessary to understand the theory and practice of Human Services. Ethical concerns, clients' rights, guardianship and natural support networks will be reviewed. Principles of normalization, community integration and quality of life will be explored along with the most recent trends in the practice of work within the field of Human Services. Prerequisite: Placement into ENGL095M.

HSV114M : Assessment and Planning

Theory Hours 3 Lab Hours 0 Credits 3

This course reviews the process for assessment, design, and implementation of treatment plans and support services for Human Services clients with varying issues. Presentation and discussion will include current and evolving models for assessment and planning, as well as the factors that influence achievement of individual plans. Prerequisite: Placement into ENGL095M. Corequisite: HSV111M.

HSV116M : Professional Seminar I

Theory Hours 2 Lab Hours 3 Credits 3

This course is designed to provide initial exposure to the field of Human Services, specifically area agencies, programs, and their clients. The student will survey various Human Services agencies and programs in the area in order to become familiar with a variety of service populations and the services offered. The student will explore potential areas of interest, learn skills required of human service workers, and develop in the area of professionalism. Students may be required to obtain physical exams and a state police criminal records check, and will spend 45 hours in site observations. Prerequisite: Placement into ENGL095M.

HSV117M : Professional Seminar II

Theory Hours 2 Lab Hours 3 Credits 3

This course will introduce students to the field culture of human services. The focus of this skill-building course will be to maximize the fit between the students as potential Human Services providers and the current and future needs of Human Service agencies. The course will include professional skill development; review and expansion of leadership, conflict, negotiation, and group dynamic skills. Students will improve upon professional relationship skills and legal knowledge. Students may be required to obtain physical exams and a state police criminal records check and will spend 45 hours at an area Human Services agency. Prerequisites: HSV116M with a grade of “C” or better AND placement into ENGL110M.

HSV205M : Mental Health Support

Theory Hours 3 Lab Hours 0 Credits 3

This course is designed for students interested in working with people who are living with mental health disorders. The course will focus on an integrated approach to care and treatment of the whole person. Social determinants of health, the eight dimensions of wellness, cultural concerns, and issues of adjustment in mental health will be reviewed. The goals of support, types of support offered, and roles/limitations of the mental health support worker will be included. Boundaries and ethical guidelines for support workers will be explored in depth. The stages of change model, motivational interviewing techniques, and a trauma informed approach will be reviewed. In addition, suicide education and prevention will be addressed. Prerequisite: Placement into ENGL110M Corequisite: PSYC215M Abnormal Psychology.

HSV206M : Recovery Support

Theory Hours 3 Lab Hours 0 Credits 3

This course is designed for students interested in working with people who are seeking recovery from various substance use disorders. The course will focus on the current guiding principles and various aspects of recovery, including the eight dimensions of wellness and cultural concerns. The goals of recovery support, types of support offered, and roles/limitations of the recovery support worker will be included. Boundaries and ethical guidelines for support workers will be explored in depth. The stages of change model, motivational interviewing techniques, and a trauma informed approach will be reviewed. In addition, HIV/AIDS and suicide education and prevention will be addressed. Prerequisite: Placement into ENGL110M. Corequisite: HSV217M.

HSV208M : Special Topics in Human Services

Theory Hours 3 Lab Hours 0 Credits 3

This course will vary by semester. Human Services topics will reflect faculty and/or student interests and will focus on an in-depth coverage of specific human services topics. All courses will focus on various aspects of human services; concepts, events, client concerns, family concerns, treatments, services, and ideas and values shaping the contemporary world. Critical thinking, speaking and writing skills will be emphasized, as well as the ability to analyze resources. Prerequisites: HSV111M and ENGL110XM or ENGL110M with a grade of “C” or better.

HSV210M : Substance Misuse Prevention

Theory Hours 3 Lab Hours 0 Credits 3

The course will focus on the concepts of substance abuse prevention for today’s society. The connection between the science of prevention and the practice of prevention will be thoroughly examined in order that the student may learn what does and does not work. The course will cover the basics of alcohol, tobacco, and other drugs of abuse, as well as the attitudes of society that help to perpetuate problems with each. Theoretical concepts of prevention and prevailing strategies will be discussed and incorporated into hands-on work that will include creating a prevention program, developing a logic model and evaluation tool, preparing a media campaign and communication strategy, searching for and writing a grant for program funding, and presenting an original program concept at a public forum. Prerequisites: ENGL110XM or ENGL110M and HSV111M with a grade of “C” or better.

HSV212M : Interpersonal Dynamics

Theory Hours 3 Lab Hours 0 Credits 3

This course provides an awareness and general practice of interactional communication skills expected in a supportive/helping relationship. Supportive communication will be taught through verbal instructions, role-playing activities, videotaping, class discussions, case studies, and peer and self-assessment. Observation and evaluation methods will be incorporated to assess the student’s communication skills. Prerequisites: Placement into ENGL095M. Corequisite: HSV111M.

HSV213M : Developmental Disabilities

Theory Hours 3 Lab Hours 0 Credits 3

This course is designed to serve as an overview of various developmental disabilities and the care and treatment of individuals with these disorders. The major types of developmental disabilities, their causes, detection, and treatment are discussed. The physical, psychological, and social impact of having a developmental disability is explored. In addition, roles and responsibilities of the family and service providers are reviewed in detail, along with the legal rights of the client and related laws. Prerequisites: Placement into ENGL110M and satisfactory completion of HSV111M with a grade of "C" or better.

HSV218M : Professional Seminar III

Theory Hours 2 Lab Hours 3 Credits 3

Professional Seminar III builds upon the boundaries established through work in both previous Professional Seminar semesters. The course integrates prior academic and placement experience in an individualized format through an in-depth study of a field placement using participant-observer methodologies. Students may be required to obtain physical exams and a state police criminal records check and will spend 45 hours at an area Human Services agency. Prerequisite: Successful completion of ENGL110M, HSV111M, HSV116M and HSV117M with a grade of “C” or better.

HSV219M : Professional Seminar IV

Theory Hours 2 Lab Hours 3 Credits 3

This course will enable students to develop a personally integrated career portfolio and engage in a job search. Classes will be devoted to active exploration of personal styles assessment, documentation of transferable skills, documentation of academic history, networking, interviewing, job search skills and the formulation of long range career/life plans and resume development. Students may be required to obtain physical exams and a state police criminal records check and will spend 45 hours at an area Human Services agency. Prerequisite: Successful completion of ENGL110M, HSV111M, HSV116M, HSV117M and HSV218M with a grade of “C” or better.