WELD212M : Code Welding Theory

Theory Hours 3 Lab Hours 0 Credits 3

This course will cover proper industrial quality-control procedures with respect to welder qualification, welding procedure qualifications, materials control and quality assurance organization. These concepts will then be utilized in discussion of three major welding codes and specifications: A.W.S., D1.1, ASM.E., boiler and pressure vessel code and A.P.I. 1104, which covers cross country pipelines. The principles and practices of common forms of non-destructive testing will be covered with emphasis placed upon weld defects and discontinuities. Several methods of safely performing leak testing will be covered. Weldability of the steels and non-ferrous metals will also be discussed, as well as the weldability of dissimilar metals. Prerequisites: WELD111M, WELD112M, WELD121M, WELD122M, WELD125M.