Degrees and Certificates
Nursing, Associate of Science
NURS111M: Nursing I
Students begin learning the roles of the Associate Degree Nurse as a provider and manager of care and member of the discipline of nursing. Students develop beginning intellectual, interpersonal and psychomotor competencies to assess well clients and clients with common actual or possible alterations in health. The roles of the nurse, communication theory, life span development, ethical-legal standards, and nursing process are basic concepts to the practice of nursing for the Associate Degree Nurse. Students are introduced to the concept that the person is a system in dynamic interaction with the internal and external environments. The eleven Functional Health Patterns organize the study of concepts common to a basic knowledge of the client’s state of wellness and possible or actual health problems. The learning laboratory provides opportunities to practice nursing skills in simulated activities. Clinical learning provides experiences to practice nursing by caring for well clients or clients with common basic health problems in structured health settings – acute and sub-acute care. Prerequisite: Admission into the Nursing Program. Corequisites: BIOL110M, PSYC110M.
NURS112M: Nursing II
The student applies knowledge and skills to provide and manage safe care for patients and their families across the lifespan in structured health care settings. The student provides support and teaching to the patient and family and direct care for the patient. The scope of the course includes the Functional Health Patterns of Sexual-Reproductive, Role-Relationship, Nutrition-Metabolic, Activity Exercise, Self-Perception/Self-Concept, Coping Stress, Health Perception-Health Management, Value Belief, and Cognitive-Perceptual. Intellectual, interpersonal and psychomotor competencies are further developed. Needs of patients across the life span are emphasized with special focus on adults, children in childbearing/childrearing families, and psychiatric/mental health.
The student will plan the care of the patient/family by utilizing the Nursing Process. Direct care will be provided to patients with common health problems. Laboratory learning provides opportunities to practice more complex nursing skills in basic group skills in simulated activities. Clinical learning experiences are provided for the student in adult healthcare settings, and psychiatric/mental health, or perinatal/pediatric settings. Prerequisites:Successful completion of NURS111M and BIOL110M with a grade of “C” or better and completion of PSYC110M. Corequisite: BIOL120M, PSYC210M.
NURS211M: Nursing III
The student develops competence to provide and manage care for patients and their families across the life span in structured healthcare settings. The student provides support and teaching to the patient and family and direct care for the patient. The scope of the course includes the Functional Health Patterns of Sexual Reproductive, Activity-Exercise, Elimination, Nutrition-Metabolic, Self-Perception and Coping-Stress Tolerance. Intellectual, interpersonal and psychomotor competencies are further developed. Needs of patients across the life span are emphasized with special focus on adults, children in childbearing / child rearing families, and psychiatric/mental health.
The student will plan the care of the patient/family by utilizing the Nursing Process. Direct care will be provided to patients with common health problems. Laboratory learning provides opportunities to practice increasingly complex nursing skills in simulated activities. Clinical learning experiences are provided for the student in adult healthcare settings, and psychiatric/mental health, or perinatal/pediatric settings. Prerequisites: NURS112M and BIOL120M with a grade of “C” or better and completion of PSYC210M. Corequisites: BIOL210M, ENGL110XM or ENGL110M.
NURS212M: Nursing IV
The student develops increased competence and independence to provide and manage care for patients and families with common multi-system health problems across the life span.The scope of the course includes ethical decision-making, role performance and the care of patients with multi-system health problems of cardio-respiratory, metabolism/immunity/hematopoiesis and cognition/sensation/perception. Additional course content includes leadership skills, health care policy and legislative advocacy. An evidence-based project is required. Laboratory learning focuses on student case presentations involving current, multi-system health problems and ethical decision-making. Clinical learning experiences are provided for the student in advanced medical-surgical and community health settings. Prerequisites: NURS211M and BIOL210M with a grade of “C” or better and completion of ENGL110XM or ENGL110M. Corequisites: Math elective (MATH145M or MATH145XM or MATH202M), English elective, Foreign Language/Humanities/Fine Arts Elective.