HVAC226M: Air and Water Testing and Balancing

Theory Hours 3 Lab Hours 0 Credits 3

Covers the essential techniques for the testing and balancing of air and water for HVAC systems, the fundamentals of testing and balancing, including the mathematics, fan and pump characteristics and the basic electrical systems. Also covers: details of fan and pump curves; motor drives and related electrical systems; testing and balancing instruments and use, including measurements and analysis; required TAB procedures, including preliminary air and hydronic procedures; as well as the TAB required report forms, system evaluation and troubleshooting. Prerequisites: HVAC first-year courses or three years experience in the field. Prerequisites: HVAC211M, HVAC212M, HVAC213M, HVAC214M, HVAC221M, HVAC222M, HVAC223M, HVAC224M or permission of Department chair, HVAC Program Coordinator or full-time HVAC faculty.