Heating, Ventilation & Air Conditioning

Degrees and Certificates


HVAC101M : Introduction to HVAC Systems

Theory Hours 3 Lab Hours 0 Credits 3

This course introduces the fundamental concepts and principles that apply to the HVAC industry. Topics include a basic understanding of; thermodynamics, industry terminology and units of measurement, common HVAC systems and components, materials used in the installation of HVAC equipment and methods for joining materials. Industry standards and codes are explored. Techniques for proper use of hand and power tools are presented. Safely working on HVAC systems and components is emphasized. (Fulfills Open Elective requirement).

HVAC102M : Refrigeration and Air Conditioning Systems for Non-HVAC Majors

Theory Hours 3 Lab Hours 0 Credits 3

This course is designed as an overview of the fundamental concepts and principles that apply to common refrigeration and a/c (air conditioning) systems found in the HVAC industry. Topics include a basic understanding of; thermodynamics, refrigeration and a/c industry terminology and units of measurement, common refrigeration systems and components, preventative maintenance strategies and materials and proper practices used in the installation of these systems.

HVAC103M : Heating Systems for Non-HVAC Majors

Theory Hours 3 Lab Hours 0 Credits 3

This course is designed as an overview of the fundamental concepts and principles that apply to common heating systems found in the HVAC industry. Topics include a basic understanding of; thermodynamics, heating industry terminology and units of measurement, common heating systems and components, and materials used in the installation of heating equipment. Industry standards and codes are explored.

HVAC109M : Related Electricity I Theory

Theory Hours 3 Lab Hours 0 Credits 3

Theory work on the principles of DC and AC electricity that are fundamental to the HVAC area. These include: Ohm’s law, series circuits, parallel circuits, meters, wire gauges, magnetism, AC generation, AC calculations, and basic electric motor principles. Students must be simultaneously enrolled in HVAC110M. It is recommended that students have successfully completed or are simultaneously enrolled in HVAC101M.

HVAC110M : Related Electricity I Lab

Theory Hours 0 Lab Hours 3 Credits 1

Lab work on the principles of DC and AC electricity that are fundamental to the HVAC area. These include: Ohm’s law, series circuits, parallel circuits, meters, wire gauges, magnetism, AC generation, AC calculations, and basic electric motor principles. Students must be simultaneously enrolled in HVAC109M. It is recommended that students have successfully completed or are simultaneously enrolled in HVAC101M.

HVAC111M : Fundamentals of Refrigeration I Theory

Theory Hours 3 Lab Hours 0 Credits 3

This course provides an introduction to the principles of heat and its transfer, with emphasis on the refrigeration compression cycle and its major components. Students must be simultaneously enrolled in HVAC112M. Students must have successfully completed or be simultaneously enrolled in HVAC109M and HVAC110M. It is recommended that students have successfully completed or are simultaneously enrolled in HVAC101M.

HVAC112M : Fundamentals of Refrigeration I Lab

Lab Hours 3 Credits 1

Upon successful completion of this course the student will be able to solder, silver braze, flare, swag and use specialized refrigeration tools. Students will receive hands-on experience with equipment using manifold gauges, reading pressure/temperature charts, and learning service procedures. Students must be simultaneously enrolled in HVAC111M. Students must have successfully completed or be simultaneously enrolled in HVAC109M and HVAC110M. It is recommended that students have successfully completed or are simultaneously enrolled in HVAC101M.

HVAC114M : Fundamentals of Heating I Theory

Theory Hours 3 Lab Hours 0 Credits 3

A through study of the residential high pressure gun type oil burner. Topics covered include: basic combustion theory, how the components of high pressure gun type burners operate, choosing replacement parts, mechanical troubleshooting, oil tank installation, advanced combustion theory, and steady state efficiency testing. Students must be simultaneously enrolled in HVAC115M. It is recommended that students have successfully completed or are simultaneously enrolled in HVAC101M, HVAC109M and HVAC110M.

HVAC115M : Fundamentals of Heating I Lab

Theory Hours 0 Lab Hours 3 Credits 1

An introduction to residential high pressure, gun-type burners which includes an in-depth, hands-on course covering the components, component testing, replacement, maintenance and burner troubleshooting, and steady-state efficiency testing. Students must be simultaneously enrolled in HVAC114M. It is recommended that students have successfully completed or are simultaneously enrolled in HVAC101M, HVAC109M and HVAC110M.

HVAC121M : Fundamentals of Refrigeration II Theory

Theory Hours 3 Lab Hours 0 Credits 3

A continuation of Fundamentals of Refrigeration I. This course covers: electrical circuits, controls and motors necessary for operation of various residential and small commercial units; components necessary for optimum operation and efficiency; basic mechanical and electrical troubleshooting. Students must be simultaneously enrolled in HVAC122M. Prerequisite: HVAC111M, HVAC112M.

HVAC122M : Fundamentals of Refrigeration II Lab

Lab Hours 3 Credits 1

A continuation of Fundamentals of Refrigeration I. This course covers: electrical meter testing of controls; motors and circuits; reading wiring diagrams; troubleshooting and repair various system problems. Students must be simultaneously enrolled in HVAC121M. Prerequisites: HVAC111M, HVAC112M.

HVAC134M : Fundamentals of Gas Heating and Piping Installation Theory

Theory Hours 3 Lab Hours 0 Credits 3

An in depth study of propane and natural gas piping from the point of delivery to the gas appliance or utilization equipment. Basic gas theory involving a thorough understanding of the physical properties and characteristics of propane and natural gas will be covered. Piping installations involving gas pipe sizing, material selection, proper installation, and pressure and leak testing of piping is also covered. National Fuel Gas Code as it relates to the above topics is also emphasized. Students must be simultaneously enrolled in HVAC135M. It is recommended that students have successfully completed or are simultaneously enrolled in HVAC101M, HVAC109M and HVAC110M.

HVAC135M : Fundamentals of Gas Heating and Piping Installation Lab

Lab Hours 3 Credits 1

An introduction to gas piping distribution systems which includes an in-depth hands-on course covering: the design, installation, component selection, methods of joining, pressure and leak testing, and the ability to safely work on gas distribution systems. The student designs and installs gas piping distribution systems following relevant codes. Troubleshooting, and steady-state efficiency testing of gas utilization equipment is also introduced. Students must be simultaneously enrolled in HVAC134M. It is recommended that students have successfully completed or are simultaneously enrolled in HVAC101M, HVAC109M and HVAC110M.

HVAC212M : Commercial Refrigeration Lab

Lab Hours 6 Credits 2

This lab covers installation of complete refrigeration systems found in small stores, restaurants and supermarkets. Students will develop a stock list of required electrical and mechanical components, calculate pipe and component sizes, and learn charging procedures. Students must be simultaneously enrolled in HVAC211M. Prerequisite: HVAC119M, HVAC120M, HVAC121M, HVAC122M.

HVAC213M : Hydronic Systems Theory

Theory Hours 3 Lab Hours 0 Credits 3

Topics include; forced hot water system components, piping layout, selection of system components, and problem solving, which involves troubleshooting and replacement. Various methods of heating domestic hot water are also studied. Students must be simultaneously enrolled in HVAC214M. Prerequisite: HVAC114M, HVAC115M, HVAC119M, HVAC120M, HVAC134M, HVAC135M.

HVAC214M : Hydronic Systems Lab

Theory Hours 0 Lab Hours 6 Credits 2

This lab is an in-depth study of residential forced hot water heating systems. The student designs and installs a complete hot water system including the piping arrangement, control system, and method of heating domestic hot water. Forced hot water service skills are emphasized. Students must be simultaneously enrolled in HVAC213M. Prerequisite: HVAC114M, HVAC115M, HVAC119M, HVAC120M, HVAC134M, HVAC135M.

HVAC221M : Residential and Commercial Air Conditioning and Heat Pumps Theory

Theory Hours 3 Lab Hours 0 Credits 3

Procedures for proper installation and start-up of central air conditioning systems. Troubleshooting of the electrical and mechanical aspects of systems. The proper use and understanding of the psychometric chart. Heat gain calculations for residential and small commercial buildings. Special requirements and components of heat pumps. Students must be simultaneously enrolled in HVAC222M. Prerequisite: HVAC119M, HVAC120M, HVAC121M, HVAC122M.

HVAC223M : Warm Air and Steam Systems Theory

Theory Hours 3 Lab Hours 0 Credits 3

Residential steam and warm air system components are introduced, along with methods of piping and duct layout. Maintenance, troubleshooting, replacement, alteration, and total system designs are emphasized to help the student learn the various concepts involved. Students must be simultaneously enrolled in HVAC224M. Prerequisite: HVAC114M, HVAC115M, HVAC119M, HVAC120M, HVAC134M, HVAC135M.

HVAC226M : Air and Water Testing and Balancing

Theory Hours 3 Lab Hours 0 Credits 3

Covers the essential techniques for the testing and balancing of air and water for HVAC systems, the fundamentals of testing and balancing, including the mathematics, fan and pump characteristics and the basic electrical systems. Also covers: details of fan and pump curves; motor drives and related electrical systems; testing and balancing instruments and use, including measurements and analysis; required TAB procedures, including preliminary air and hydronic procedures; as well as the TAB required report forms, system evaluation and troubleshooting. Prerequisites: HVAC first-year courses or three years experience in the field. Prerequisites: HVAC211M, HVAC212M, HVAC213M, HVAC214M, HVAC221M, HVAC222M, HVAC223M, HVAC224M or permission of Department chair, HVAC Program Coordinator or full-time HVAC faculty.

HVAC227M : Advanced Air System

Theory Hours 2 Lab Hours 2 Credits 3

This course is designed to teach the basic and essential techniques for the testing and balancing of air for HVAC systems. The course will cover the fundamentals of testing and balancing (TAB), including the mathematics, fan characteristics, and the basic electrical systems. Details of fan curves, motor drives, and related electrical systems will be covered. TAB instruments and their use are covered, including measurements and analysis. Required TAB procedures are covered, including preliminary air procedures, as well as the TAB required report forms, system evaluation, and troubleshooting. Prerequisites: HVAC211M, HVAC212M, HVAC213M, HVAC214M, HVAC221M, HVAC222M, HVAC223M, HVAC224M, or permission of full time HVAC faculty.

HVAC228M : Advanced Hydronic Systems

Theory Hours 2 Lab Hours 2 Credits 3

This course is designed to teach the basic and essential techniques for the testing and balancing of fluid for HVAC systems. The course will cover the fundamentals of testing and balancing (TAB), including the mathematics, pump characteristics, and the basic electrical systems. Details of pump curves, motor drives, and related electrical systems will be covered. Testing and balancing instruments and their use, including measurements and analysis are covered. Required TAB procedures are covered, including preliminary hydronic procedures, as well as the TAB required report forms, system evaluation, and troubleshooting. Prerequisites: HVAC211M, HVAC212M, HVAC213M, HVAC214M, HVAC221M, HVAC222M, HVAC223M, HVAC224M, or permission of full time HVAC faculty.

HVAC230M : Gas Equipment Installations and Service Theory

Theory Hours 4 Lab Hours 0 Credits 4

An in-depth study of placing propane and natural gas utilization equipment into service while controlling gas/air mixtures for proper combustion. Gas equipment installations including: clearance to combustibles; combustion, dilution and ventilation air requirements to determine if a space is confined or unconfined. Gas equipment venting, including venting categories, vent materials, vent sizing and clearances. Troubleshooting electrical circuits and control devices while measuring electrical quantities using an electrical meter. Identifying operating characteristics and components of common sensing devices will be covered. Gas pressure measurements including supply and appliance burner pressure detection will be discussed. Ignition safety systems including the 100 percent pilot safety shut-off and other electronic safety shut-off devices will be studied. Flue gas analysis and carbon monoxide detection will be included. National Fuel Gas Code as it relates to the above topics is also emphasized. Prerequisites or corequisite: HVAC134M, HVAC135M.

HVAC243M : DDC and Building Automation Controls I

Theory Hours 3 Lab Hours 3 Credits 4

Introduces electronic environmental and industrial control concepts and equipment to electricians, HVAC technicians and maintenance personnel. Covers basic subject matter such as: introduction to electronics; solid-state theory and devices; digital numbering systems; digital logic; and basic theory of analog and digital control devices and systems. The course then advances to: Computer System architecture; programmable logic controllers; direct digital control for total energy management systems; electronic controls for HVAC equipment; and industrial control devices and systems. Intended for students with prior training in electrical theory and practice with electrical equipment. A review of basic electrical theory precedes the other subject matter, but this review is intended as a brief refresher only and not as preparation for the course material to follow. Prerequisites: HVAC211M, HVAC212M, HVAC213M, HVAC214M, HVAC221M, HVAC222M, HVAC223M, HVAC224M or permission of Department chair, HVAC Program Coordinator or full-time HVAC faculty.

HVAC244M : DDC and Building Automation Controls II

Theory Hours 3 Lab Hours 3 Credits 4

An advanced control systems course for students who have taken and passed HVAC 243, this course covers commercial/industrial control systems. Pneumatic, electrical and electronic control systems are covered, as well as associated subject matter such as variable frequency motor drives, variable air volume systems and heat recovery. The course then focuses on new technology building control systems. System controller types, analog and digital sensors and actuators in system configurations, data communications and systems interfacing, DDC systems strategies and troubleshooting methods and equipment will be covered in detail. There will be a significant amount of hands-on lab work. Every attempt is made to keep the material in this course as current as possible. This is an advanced course and provides the student with the knowledge, ability and experience to work confidently with existing control technology and adapt to new technology as it develops. Prerequisite: HVAC243M with a minimum grade of “C” or better.

HVAC256M : HVAC Equipment- Operation, Maintenance, & Optimization

Theory Hours 3 Lab Hours 3 Credits 4

This course is designed as an overview of the concepts and principles that apply to complex HVACR (heating ventilation and air conditioning refrigeration) equipment found in the HVAC industry. Topics include an overview of commercial / industrial HVAC equipment as well as preventative maintenance, rigging and service strategies for this equipment. Pre-requisites: HVAC211M, HVAC212M, HVAC213M, HVAC214M, HVAC221M, HVAC222M, HVAC223M, HVAC224M, or permission of full time HVAC faculty.

HVAC257M : Advanced HVAC II

Theory Hours 1 Lab Hours 3 Credits 2

This course is designed as an overview of the concepts and principles that apply to complex HVACR (heating ventilation and air conditioning refrigeration) systems found in the HVACR industry. Topics include an overview of service strategies for commercial / industrial HVAC systems. This course will require the students to draw on the knowledge gained in previously completed advanced HVACR courses to solve complicated HVACR system wide service problems and procedures. Prerequisites: HVAC227M, HVAC228M, HVAC243M, HVAC244M, HVAC256M.